Cedar siding is a popular choice for home siding. Cedar siding should be repainted every 5 to 7 years. However, if you take extra precautions, you could get as much as 10 years out of one coat of paint. To achieve this, however, you must ensure that the surface is properly prepared and consider all environmental factors.
There are several steps you can follow to ensure that your cedar siding painting job lasts as long as possible. We will show you how to get the best out of your cedar siding painting job.
Standard exterior paint won't be enough to get the best results for cedar siding. Cedar is a porous wood that absorbs standard paint very quickly. This means that the outer layer of wood will have a thinner layer and is more susceptible to cracking or deterioration.
Prime your cedar siding with a stain-blocking primer to get the best results. It is best to remove the siding before applying primer to all six sides. You can do it if you don't have the time.
Use 100% acrylic-latex paint for your top coat. This thick, weather-resistant paint will fully cover cedar and fill in any imperfections. Professional painters will know which type of acrylic-latex paint to use based on the siding condition. This allows you to get as much as 10 years from a single job.
You can use a sprayer, a brush, or a roller to apply the paint on your cedar siding. Professional painters spray and then roll the paint. A brush can be used to apply the thickest paint. This will fill in any gaps or pores. It can be time-consuming, though. Spray or roll the paint yourself to penetrate the wood.
Paint your cedar siding within two weeks of installation if it is new. Cedar that has been exposed to the sun and weathered won't hold on to its coating as well as a freshly cut cedar. If your cedar siding has gotten very old, it is a good idea to hire a professional. If your cedar siding is very old, a professional will be able to remove mold and dirt and deal with any loose wood fibers.
Cedar is extremely susceptible to sunburn. Cedar siding can become grayish-brown and dry and brittle if it is exposed to a lot of sun. If you live in an area with high sun and dry conditions, this can affect the durability of your paint job.